A New Era in European Parliament: Policymakers Need to Hear from Pharma

by Nick Hoile

We’ve all read the headlines: Europe’s political climate is becoming more volatile and unpredictable.

The established parties of government are struggling to stay relevant. Voters are deserting the centre ground and looking for alternative leadership from politicians further to the left and right.

The trend is playing out in national elections across the continent and May’s elections for the European Parliament provided a stark example of these changing voting patterns. The two centrist political groups lost their majority for the first time in forty years, while the nationalist right and the green left both gained ground.

The decline of the political consensus is already causing a headache for pharma, as public attitudes to industry involvement in healthcare cool and populist politicians propagate anti-scientific narratives. But these shifting political sands also provide an opportunity for pharma to communicate differently with policymakers, engaging collaboratively to develop solutions to the major public health challenges they face.

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